Saturday, February 23, 2013

Making Kandi With Friends

Kandi, rave bracelets, bead bracelets, whatever you call these bracelets, they're a huge trend in the rave culture and I've been convincing myself to make these for so long.

For a long time I thought that kandi was just something everyone wore to festivals, raves, because it looked cool. While that's obviously a big part of it, last summer when I was at Camp Bisco, a music festival in upstate NY, I was admiring the kandi that one girl had up to her elbows and she taught me the proper way to "swap" kandi. The idea is that when you meet people while wearing kandi, you both swap a bracelet as a symbol of the rave/festival culture. The way she taught me is that two people face each other, raise their hands in the peace sign, connect their hands in a heart, and then clasp hands to swap the bracelets. These three gestures symbolize Peace, Love, and Unity. The yellow, green, and purple bracelet you see on my wrist is the one she gave me.

After that story I was dying to make some but I never got around to it until this January when my friends Abby and Olivia and I sat down in my dorm room and made kandi for ourselves and for each other. Our goal is to have them up to our elbows by Ultra. Since that's pretty close and we're pretty lazy I don't see that happening but there ya go! One less for me ;)

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