Thursday, February 21, 2013


February 2013

To be fair, this wasn't the first time I've attempted snowboarding. If any of you know me very well you know that me and winter sports are a recipe for disaster. I learn the "cheater" way to do it, I assume I know enough to be functional, and eventually I become too much of a hazard to continue. Whether it's peg-legged skating or pizza skiing down a black diamond, I'm usually the person that people either laugh or yell at. So when I first tried snowboarding, I was hoping I'd be able to do it right. 

Turns out I can't, but it's way more fun than skiing and ice skating. Olivia and I went snowboarding this President's Day weekend in the Adirondack's on Titus (the baby mountain) on the bunny slope (the baby slope) and needless to say, given my small experience with snowboarding and Olivia's lack, that it was a rough and profanity filled day on the slope. 

But despite our numerous bruises, unfortunate experience on the chairlift, and the 7 year old who tried to tell me I shouldn't be on the bunny slope since I'm an adult, it was awesome (Olivia disagrees but that's because her "instructor" was yours truly). I'm glad I tried it again.

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