Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Start a Postcard Journal

This idea came to me from Pinterest (as many of my ideas do). Whenever you go abroad somewhere, send yourself a postcard detailing what you've done and what you've seen. I love the idea, when my sister and I were little my mom always used to make us keep journals whenever we went abroad and I found all of mine the other day and I love it! These postcards never actually got sent (oops) but I wrote them all in Europe and now the collection will only keep growing! :)

Volunteer at Music Festival

This picture is of me, my sister, and one of my best friends Miyuki at Firefly festival in Dover, Delaware. We all volunteered (along with my friend Claire) and we loved, loved it. We met some incredibly cool people who were volunteering with us, the camping was super close to the stages, we got showers, and we only had to pay $45 to go. Definitely worth the work and definitely something I will be doing again!

Visit the Aquarium in Georgia via Road Trip

This idea was hatched last summer before my sister's 17th birthday when I was panicking not knowing what to get her. I decided that doing some sister bonding timer on a road trip would be fun and Atlanta ended being on our destination because we both LOVE aquariums and the one in Atlanta is the biggest in the world.

The road trip was long but seeing different parts of the country, sampling some really amazing food, seeing two of my friends from college, and, of course, the aquarium made it completely worth the exhaustion.

The aquarium was incredible and my favorite part was by far the whale sharks. If I ever am patient enough to put together a life bucket list, diving with whale sharks is definitely going on there. They're so huge and watching them swim around is something I could do for hours. The best part? This aquarium had 3 of them.

Make an Epic Recipe Book for Next Year

The above picture is not actually my recipe book (although I am looking for design inspirations). Mine is on my computer and it's a compilation of a ton of recipes I've been pinning on Pinterest (my chief weakness). There's a couple of different categories and it's HUGE. It took me forever to put it together and it's still growing. Now I just need to learn how to actually make all of these awesome recipes...

If you want to check out some of the recipes in my book, check my board on Pinterest here:

Give Sarah the Best 18th Birthday Basket Ever

Anyone who knows me and my sister knows that we are incredibly close. We always have been. Like how everyone is always like your best friend is like a sister to you, my sister is actually my best friend. So since I won't be with her on her 18th birthday I decided to give her presents in advance when we went on our road trip since that was supposed to be her 17th birthday present.

I got for her:
A huge box of sour patch kids (her favorite candy) (and when I say huge, I mean HUGE)
A book of spicy recipes (since she loves spicy food)
Tweezers (kind of an inside joke, she always steals mine and refuses to get her own)
A sappy pillow case with a Winnie the Pooh quote on it 
Glittery body art pens (since she loves drawing all over people and sharpie's not so good)
A huge bag of Hit Clips which I had to buy off eBay (we used to be OBSESSED when we were little and watching her open this was hilarious)

What can I say, I'm just a genius with presents. Sorry you can't all be my siblings ;)

Go on the Eye in London

Unfortunately Tanya and I didn't have the nicest day to do this particular attraction but since we only had two days we had to work with what we had! The nice thing was that, even though it was pouring, it was clear so we could see everything. :)

Throw a Coin into the Trevi Fountain

I know you guys are starting to realize a lot of these abroad check marks are very stereotypical but what can I say, some of these things are just cool to experience no matter how many other people have. I was annoyingly persistent enough to drag my friends to see the fountain during the day and at night and I'm glad I did because it was really worth it to see it both ways. It really is beautiful and there are people throwing coins in all over the place. I tossed in a penny for luck, forgot about the whole wishing part. Oops.