Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Give Sarah the Best 18th Birthday Basket Ever

Anyone who knows me and my sister knows that we are incredibly close. We always have been. Like how everyone is always like your best friend is like a sister to you, my sister is actually my best friend. So since I won't be with her on her 18th birthday I decided to give her presents in advance when we went on our road trip since that was supposed to be her 17th birthday present.

I got for her:
A huge box of sour patch kids (her favorite candy) (and when I say huge, I mean HUGE)
A book of spicy recipes (since she loves spicy food)
Tweezers (kind of an inside joke, she always steals mine and refuses to get her own)
A sappy pillow case with a Winnie the Pooh quote on it 
Glittery body art pens (since she loves drawing all over people and sharpie's not so good)
A huge bag of Hit Clips which I had to buy off eBay (we used to be OBSESSED when we were little and watching her open this was hilarious)

What can I say, I'm just a genius with presents. Sorry you can't all be my siblings ;)

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