Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visit the Aquarium in Georgia via Road Trip

This idea was hatched last summer before my sister's 17th birthday when I was panicking not knowing what to get her. I decided that doing some sister bonding timer on a road trip would be fun and Atlanta ended being on our destination because we both LOVE aquariums and the one in Atlanta is the biggest in the world.

The road trip was long but seeing different parts of the country, sampling some really amazing food, seeing two of my friends from college, and, of course, the aquarium made it completely worth the exhaustion.

The aquarium was incredible and my favorite part was by far the whale sharks. If I ever am patient enough to put together a life bucket list, diving with whale sharks is definitely going on there. They're so huge and watching them swim around is something I could do for hours. The best part? This aquarium had 3 of them.

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